How to Create a Facebook Personal Page

By Joan Brooks

Before you can create a Facebook Business (or Fan) Page, you must have a personal page first. Here are step by step instructions for creating your Facebook Personal Page:

How to Create a Facebook Personal Page

a. Go to the Facebook website:

b. Fill in:

  1. First name
  2. Last Name
  3. Your email
  4. Re-enter email (to minimize mistakes)
  5. New password
  6. Birthdate
  7. Gender

c. Click: Sign In

d. Once you create a page, you’ll go through 4 steps

Step 1. Find your friends (Click on “Skip this step, if you don’t want to have any friends.)

  1. Based on email contacts

Step 2. Fill out info (This is all part of your “profile”. You can also “Skip” this step, if you don’t want anybody to know your business)

  1. Fill in:
    1. High school name
    2. College or University
    3. Current City
    4. Hometown
  2. Click “Save and Continue”

Step 3. Choose interests (This is where you can “like” other personal and fan [business] pages. You can also “Skip” this step.

    1. Click “like” for any FB page that appeals to you.
      1. Divided into 4 categories: Public Figures, Entertainment, Breaking News Sources, and Musicians and Bands
      2. You will receive updates from these pages in your “newsfeed”.
      3. You can “unlike” at any time.
    2. Click “See More” to see more pages.
    3. Save and continue

Step 4. Add profile pic (This is public and can’t be hid.)

      1. Select a photo stored on your computer to upload. Or
      2. Take a picture then and there with your webcam and upload.

You will then be taken to your Facebook “Welcome” page.

      1. You can go back and change what you’ve done, find friends, change or add your profile picture, fill out the rest of your profile.
      2. Take a tour of privacy settings so you can control how much can be seen by the general public. You can keep your personal page personal and your business page more public.
      3. You can search for friends by name or email address in Section 5.
      4. You can also do absolutely nothing on this page.

Now, you’re ready to set up your business page. See the page about setting up your business page.